ClassZMinimalism™ + Eco Design Part 2
Let’s continue to see what Ken says in his Ecodesign:
“One of the outcomes of the interaction of the array of diverse species and niches in an ecosystem is a ‘cooperative’ strategy where organisms spread out to utilize all possible niches so every material left over by one species is ‘cleaned up'”.
He states that in a natural ecosystem there are: PRODUCERS, CONSUMERS and DECOMPOSERS. This equates to the following in the human built system: PRODUCERS, MANUFACTURERS, SERVICES and CONSUMERS. Decomposing is served by RECYCLING and RE-USING/REPURPOSING.
Ken says that is vital that all these aspects of the human built system must be in balance and highly organized among the myriad networks linking each one to the others.
This is tall order however it MUST soon be obtained and Ken offers ways this can happen in his Ecodesign.